Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Untitled Part 1

All thanks to Lee Kuan Yew , Singapore have became the affluent country it is today . He almost single handedly led a war-torn Singapore into economic prosperity and immense wealth .

During Lee's tenure as a PM , his administration tackled problems such as mass unemployment and housing shortage . The transport system also begun to consolidate and Singaporeans put aside their racial differences for the common good . With everything in place , Singapore thrived .

But all this came at a price in the form of absolute compliance from the people . Singaporeans have became so docile they don't dare question the Government . This results in growing resentment of the people not having the freedom of speech ...

1 comment:

James Chia said...

Yes we must not be sheeps and let them be shepherds. This is our country and we all got a say in the way it is run. Welcome to blogosphere. You are one month younger than I am :D